Estimating long-term treatment effects without long-term outcome data

David Rhys Bernard (Paris School of Economics)

GPI Working Paper No. 11-2020

This paper has been awarded the paper prize of the 2019 Early Career Conference Programme.

Estimating long-term impacts of actions is important in many areas but the key difficulty is that long-term outcomes are only observed with a long delay. One alternative approach is to measure the effect on an intermediate outcome or a statistical surrogate and then use this to estimate the long-term effect. Athey et al. (2019) generalise the surrogacy method to work with multiple surrogates, rather than just one, increasing its credibility in social science contexts. I empirically test the multiple surrogates approach for long-term effect estimation in real-world conditions using long-run RCTs from development economics. In the context of conditional cash transfers for education in Colombia, I find that the method works well for predicting treatment effects over a 5-year time span but poorly over 10 years due to a reduced set of variables available when attempting to predict effects further into the future. The method is sensitive to observing appropriate surrogates.

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