Existential Risk and Growth

Philip Trammell (Global Priorities Institute and Department of Economics, University of Oxford) and Leopold Aschenbrenner

GPI Working Paper No. 13-2024

Technologies may pose existential risks to civilization. Though accelerating technological development may increase the risk of anthropogenic existential catastrophe per period in the short run, two considerations suggest that a sector-neutral acceleration decreases the risk that such a catastrophe ever occurs. First, acceleration decreases the time spent at each technology level. Second, since a richer society is willing to sacrifice more for safety, optimal policy can yield an “existential risk Kuznets curve”; acceleration then pulls forward a future in which risk is low. Acceleration typically increases risk only given sufficiently extreme policy failures or direct contributions of acceleration to risk.

An earlier version of the paper was published as GPI Working Paper No. 6-2020, and is available here.

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