Memorial Prize Winners announced
The Global Priorities Institute is happy to announce the winners of the Derek Parfit and Sir Tony Atkinson Memorial Prizes. These awards recognise academic excellence and exceptional research potential on topics relevant to global priorities research. The Derek Parfit Memorial Prize has been awarded to Tomi Francis and the Sir Tony Atkinson Memorial Prize has been awarded to Itzhak Rasooly.
Tomi Francis
Derek Parfit Prize Winner
Tomi is a DPhil candidate in philosophy at St John's College, Oxford. His current research interests are in normative ethics, especially population ethics, and decision theory. He also maintains side interests in logic and the philosophy of mathematics. Currently, he is interested in exploring the normative consequences of the view that personal identity does not matter, especially its consequences for population ethics and prudential decision making. Before starting his DPhil, he read mathematics and philosophy at the University of Warwick, and then completed the BPhil in philosophy at Oxford with a thesis on population ethics.

Itzhak Rasooly
Sir Tony Atkinson Prize Winner
Itzhak is a DPhil student in economics at Oxford where he also obtained his master's and undergraduate degrees. He is working on a project that explores various themes in mathematical ethics.