Predoctoral Research Fellows in Economics are members of GPI’s growing economics research team. Predocs at GPI will have the opportunity to develop their own independent research projects in line with GPI's research agenda, while also conducting research assistance for faculty at the Department of Economics at Oxford or economists affiliated with GPI.
We do not currently have any openings for Predoctoral Research Fellows, but we will update this page once roles are advertised. Further Particulars from the last hiring round can be found here.
About the Fellowship
Predoctoral Research Fellows in Economics conduct economics research within guidelines provided by the Assistant Director of GPI, as well as contributing to the planning of the Global Priorities Institute’s economics research and the organisational development of our research group. They also provide research assistance to GPI researchers and faculty in the Department of Economics. For research assistance, we will try to match our Predoctoral Research Fellows with a faculty member at the Department of Economics at Oxford with related research interests, or with another economist affiliated with GPI.
Predoctoral Research Fellows spend their time roughly equally between: (a) research assistance work; (b) independent research directly related to GPI's research agenda; and (c) contributing to the planning of GPI's research and the organisational development of our research group.
All of our Predoctoral Research Fellows have access to open-plan desk space in the Department of Economics in addition to workspace at GPI. The role offers an opportunity for those considering working towards a doctorate in economics to build invaluable experience in research at a world-leading Institution.
Predoctoral Placements
Below you will find a list of where past GPI Predoctoral Research Fellows in Economics have gone on to study:
- Phil Trammell (2018-19) - MPhil in Economics at University of Oxford, followed by the DPhil (PhD)
- Lewis Ho (2019) - PhD in Economics at Stanford
- Maxime Cugnon De Sevricourt (2019-20) - PhD in Economics at Georgetown
- Luzia Bruckamp (2020-21) - PhD in Economics at LSE
- John Mori (2020-21) - PhD in Economics at University of Chicago
- Evie Jamieson (2021) - PhD in Economics at LSE
- Pedro Oliboni (2022) - PhD in Economics at University of Chicago
- Luis Mota Freitas (2021-2022) - PhD in Economics at Northwestern
- Charlotte Siegmann (2021-2022) - PhD in Economics at MIT
Testimonials from previous Predoctoral Research Fellows

“The best part about the predoc at GPI is that you get so much individual mentoring. The weekly presentations and discussion groups were a great source of inspiration to develop my own research ideas. I had the freedom to explore these while at the same time being guided by more experienced economists. I always felt like GPI cared about my personal development and the experience is what ultimately helped me place as a PhD student at LSE.”
Luzia Bruckamp 2020-2021

“My time at GPI was intellectually fruitful. I pursued several individual research projects in the spirit of GPI’s research agenda, and I carry these research ideas into my PhD program. Research assistance for Prof Marc Fleurbaey provided me an opportunity to contribute to cutting edge research in social choice theory and welfare economics. The Oxford Effective Altruism community is vibrant, and being part of the community refined my views about the value of economics research.”
John Mori 2020-2021