William MacAskill: Effective Altruism

Forthcoming in The Norton Introduction to Ethics

Other papers

The end of economic growth? Unintended consequences of a declining population – Charles I. Jones (Stanford University)

In many models, economic growth is driven by people discovering new ideas. These models typically assume either a constant or growing population. However, in high income countries today, fertility is already below its replacement rate: women are having fewer than two children on average. It is a distinct possibility — highlighted in the recent book, Empty Planet — that global population will decline rather than stabilize in the long run. …

Hilary Greaves: Book review of Scheffler’s “Why worry about future generations?”

We occupy an unusual point in history. Throughout most of human history, conditions have been relatively stable from one generation to the next. Each generation mostly did the best it could for itself, bequeathing to the next generation an Earth in roughly the same state, save perhaps for a little…

A paradox for tiny probabilities and enormous values – Nick Beckstead (Open Philanthropy Project) and Teruji Thomas (Global Priorities Institute, Oxford University)

We show that every theory of the value of uncertain prospects must have one of three unpalatable properties. Reckless theories recommend risking arbitrarily great gains at arbitrarily long odds for the sake of enormous potential; timid theories recommend passing up arbitrarily great gains to prevent a tiny increase in risk; nontransitive theories deny the principle that, if A is better than B and B is better than C, then A must be better than C.